Tomorrow (Feb. 12) kicks-off the 13th Annual Jewish Film Festival. The festival features 10 award-winning international films aimed at providing audiences a means to understand Jewish culture and its intricacies.
The first of the films shown is “Tough Crowd”, an eight minute short created by Louisville native Jeffrey Roth and feature film “Eli and Ben.” Following that Congregation Adath Jeshurun will host the opening night event Saturday, Feb. 12 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $15 and include a dessert reception. “A Film Unfinished” will be shown on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 7:30 at Chao Auditorium for free. On Sunday, Feb. 20 at 2:30 pm, “Voice Teacher” will be screened in collaboration with the Derby City Film Festival. Voice Coach and star of the documentary, Don Roberts and Director Daniel Mendelson will attend the showing at Eifler Theatre in the Clifton Center and will discuss the film after the screening. Tickets cost $6.
The films will run from the 12th until the 20th of February. Tickets for most films cost $8.50 in advance, $10 at the door. Student tickets can be purchased for $6. Contact the Jewish Community Center, 459-0660, to purchase tickets or visit for complete schedule, film descriptions and additional information.