Edison Center, Metro Government offices brings new life to 7th and Ormsby in Old LouisvilleKY



Photos from Mayor Fischer’s Facebook page

LOUISVILLE (Aug. 17, 2016) – Today, City Properties Group, LLC celebrated the opening of their latest project, The Edison Center, in the Old Louisville neighborhood.  Mayor Greg Fischer and Councilman David James joined the developers in a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly revitalized building. 

Located at the corner of 7th and Ormsby streets, the prominent building was built in 1924 as a LG&E operations center to consolidate all field employees under one roof. LG&E operated on the site for over 50 years until it outgrew the facility. Vacant since the late 1990s, the 120,000 square foot main building has been transformed into modern, open-plan office space. Over the past several months, 300 Louisville Metro employees, including Community Services and the Air Pollution Control District, have moved into the renovated facility.

 “This is a spectacular modern office space in an historic building for our city employees,” Fischer said. “And this project has the added benefit of helping revive a portion of historic Old Louisville.”

edison center

Federal and State Historic Tax Credits provided a critical funding source for this brownfields project. The ability to qualify for the enhanced State Historic Tax Credit passed by the legislature in 2014, made the project financially feasible. Stock Yards Bank is participating as the Federal Historic Tax Credit investor in addition to financing the construction loan.

In addition to the main building, two auxiliary buildings on the site are being revitalized. At the corner of 7th and Dumesnil streets, the 3,000 square foot “Gatehouse” building will soon be home to North Lime Donuts, a popular Lexington coffee and donut shop.

The Louisville Leopard Percussionists will be relocating to the “Warehouse” building, located at the north end of the site along Dumesnil.

Future developments are anticipated in the surrounding blocks to solidify the area as the Old Louisville Innovation District, bridging the history and authenticity of Old Louisville, the research and technology base at the University of Louisville, and the jobs of the new economy.

“We are very excited about this first phase of the Old Louisville Innovation District anchored by the historic Edison Center,” commented Bill Weyland, Managing Director of City Properties Group. “I believe this project will bring a mix of jobs and creativity to the increasingly dynamic Old Louisville Neighborhood.”

edison center

The Edison Center is named after Thomas Edison. Edison premiered his electric lightbulb at the Southern exposition, a World’s Fair type of event that lasted from 1883-1887, in the area of Old Louisville that is now St. James Court and Central Park. The Edison Center is located less than a mile from the site of the Southern exposition.

One of the four original fountains from the Southern exposition is being restored and will be installed near the entrance to the building. In addition, a historic display in the lobby will celebrate the history of the Southern exposition as well as the operations of the Louisville Gas & Electric Company on the site.

Joseph and Joseph Architects, Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc., and Land Design & Development, Inc. provided design and engineering services.  BosseMattingly Constructors is serving as the general contractor on the project.
