Increase Community Awareness and Reduce the Impact of Violence
Louisville, Ky., – Community Shield, a local collaborative whose mission is to reduce the impact of violence on children in our community, will hold their 4th Annual Conference on October 20. Featured speakers will be Dr. Nancy Hardt of Gainesville, FL (Professor Emeritus, Pathology & Obstetrics/Gynecology College of Medicine, University of Florida) and Dr. Ruth Shepherd (former Director, Division of Maternal & Child Health, Kentucky Department for Public Health).
The event will take place at the Crowne Plaza (Louisville Airport), 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Subject matter will include information to increase awareness and understanding of the effects of exposure to violence on children and appropriate response and referral, within the ACEs (Adverse Childhood experiences) model. Participants will learn how to effectively utilize data to secure resources and design concrete strategies to reduce the negative impact of violence on children in the community.
“Research examining Adverse Childhood experiences has been able to connect the childhood experiences of adults to risk factors and long lasting effects on health and well-being, stated Chris Owens, director of Louisville Metro’s Office For Women one of the event organizers. “Now we have the opportunity to use that information to identify, in real time, children whose future health and well-being are at risk due to adverse childhood experiences; improve how we work with families; and implement targeted trauma informed programming and prevention measures.”
Social workers, counselors, psychologists, teachers, out-of-school time providers, child care providers, medical professionals, faith based ministers and other youth workers are encouraged to attend.
The event is co-sponsored by Kosair Charities, Metro United Way and Face It. The Department of Community Services/Office For Women is a core partner of Community Shield.
To learn more and register for the 4th Annual Community Shield Conference visit