If you are unsure about whether to undertake an MSc in Business & Management degree, then you have come to the right place.
Deciding to embark on a master’s degree program in any field is a big commitment and you want to be sure that the benefits of the degree you choose are sufficient enough to make up for the financial cost and the time spent.
That being said, if you are reading this article, you are at least intrigued, if not yet convinced, about the advantages that an MSc in Business and Management degree could potentially have on your future career prospects and your overall employability.
However, you may require further convincing as to why you should bite the bullet and enroll in a Business and Management Master’s degree, as well as how you are going to manage to balance studying with your current work commitments.
Fortunately, all of this will be covered below, so all you need to do is keep reading and you will be one step closer to realizing your dream career . . . and your dream salary!
You have the potential to command a higher salary
Whatever your current salary is, you are almost guaranteed to be able to earn more once you have completed an MSc in Business & Management degree.
In fact, you will be pleased to hear that the business & management average salary for a professional who holds this type of qualification is an impressive $118k.
Of course, this will vary depending on what field of business you choose to focus on for your masters and the prior level of management experience that you have. Potentially you could earn even more than this.
You can work and study simultaneously
If you are concerned that you will have to leave your job or take a sabbatical to undertake an MSc in Business & Management degree, then fortunately you are mistaken.
Aston University, a world-class university that is among the elite 1% of business schools worldwide — with triple accreditation from AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS, the leading accreditation bodies for business schools in the UK, US, and Europe — offers Aston online programs like an MSc in Business & Management degree that requires zero campus attendance.
As well as being able to complete 100% of your degree program online, which will enable you to carry on working in your current position and care for any family commitments you may have, you will also have access to curriculum that has been designed by business leaders and academics with international industry experience.
You can work in multiple industries
Due to the nature of the degree program, you can expect to be able to easily move between different industries if you so wish to do so. Although you may think that you want to stay working in the same sector for the foreseeable future, you never know when you might fancy a change or a new challenge.
If you do choose to embark on an MSc in Business & Management degree, you can expect to study the following core subject areas:
- Strategic Management
- Operations Management
- Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
- Marketing
- Organizational Behavior
You do not need to have an undergraduate degree
The beauty of this degree is that experience is equally as favorable as qualifications. Therefore, if you do not have an undergraduate degree, but you have many years of proven business experience, you will still be able to apply.
On the other hand, you can also find degree programs that allow applications for those who have a bachelor’s degree but little career experience.
You will be able to rapidly expand your network
Do you know the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? Well, it’s a common phrase for a reason.
You will be pushed to find any career advice that doesn’t include the concept of networking, and fortunately, if you do choose to embark on a Master’s in Business & Management degree, whether online or on campus, you will have access to a wide network of like-minded professionals who could prove incredibly useful as you make your way up the career ladder.
That’s not to mention the industry experts and academic scholars that will be on hand to offer you support, advice and invaluable expertise.
Hopefully, this has helped convince you that a Business & Management Master’s degree is the way forward for you, and if it has, don’t delay. Get in touch with a leading business school or university today for further information and valuable insights that you won’t find on any prospectus!