A Worthy Ride for Louisville’s MS Charity

Dean Brooks will be riding, and riding, on Monday

Meet Dean Brooks. He’s kind of crazy.

On Monday morning at 7, he’s going to get on one of those spinning bike things at Milestone Fitness Center and says he’s not getting off for 12 hours.  He could put in 220 miles.  It’s the seventh time he’s done it, raising money for MS, the same charity hosting a big walk this weekend.

I got a note from Brooks on his plan:

This will be the 7th time that I have done this ride. I will ride for 12 hours. Last time I got off the bike only 3 times for 3 minutes each to run to restroom. Other than that I am always turning my legs. I had a computer on the bike once that estimated that I rode almost 220 miles. I have raised over $25,000 over the years.

The public is welcome to stop by. I will be in the lobby of Baptist East Milestone Fitness Center. I put a basket next to me and people just drop in money. I take cash or checks made out to the National MS Society. I spend a lot of time talking to a lot of people during the day.

I started doing this ride becaus my sister Mary Virginia was diagnosed with MS. To raise the money to do the MS ride I had to raise $250. I hate asking for money so I came up with this idea and Milestone supported me. I was amazed the first year when I got $3,000. I do this because I can ride a bike and I can suffer through 12 hours. It’s a small price to pay when you realize that people with MS suffer every day.