Another Spirited Way To Cross the River

A good idea -- using the Spirit of Jefferson

Isn’t anyone surprised that some enterprising boat owner hasn’t brought his craft in from Prospect, put a sign up at Waterfront Park, and started ferrying people across the Ohio River?

The idea of crossing the body of water by boat, rather than over a bridge in a car, makes perfect sense. And in Day 4 of the Shermageddon crisis, local officials have come up with a plan to use the city-owned Spirit of Jefferson to ferry folks back and forth.   There’s a 3 p.m. press conference today briefing the news media on the overall challenges, and it’s expected to include details of the ferry service.

It’ll cost a dollar, and the boat holds 300 people. It’s a 10-minute cruise, and it will make five morning trips, and four in the afternoon. It seems like it would be a good solution for people on both sides of the Ohio.

BRIDGE NOTES: Another idea unlikely to get any traction comes from Jackie Green’s organization, a frequent critic of local transportation strategy. Green suggests that while the Sherman Minton is closed to traffic, it should be opened to bicycles and pedestrians. And why not? The weight of a dozen bicycles wouldn’t weight as much as a car, and paths into downtown would be easy to set up.

On Twitter, nothing is funnier around here than bridge humor. Check out @KennedyBridge65 @EastEndBridge @ClarkMemBridge @SMintonBridge64 @SherMintBridge.

Don’t Try This: WLKY’s helicopter spotted some cars going across the K&I Railroad Bridge, but officials say the cars were driven by CSX Railroad employees. I’m not so sure.