City Girl Gone Gardening: I may have picked the wrong time to start a gardening blog

  By Jackie Hollenkamp Bentley Yeah, I just may have picked the wrong year. Don't get me wrong, I was able to harvest food for my family from this year's gardening: potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, peppers. But I'm greedy. I wanted enough to be able to can and store for the winter, and maybe give a few fresh veggies away to friends and family. So this made me sad: As I've learned earlier (See CGGG: Misery Loves Company), I'm not alone in my home gardening woes. A lot of people have told me they're having crappy years. So I didn't feel too bad when I began ripping up those brown, withered tomato vines. Normally, I would throw them into my composters, for some consolation compost. But these died of blight, mold and whatever else this year's weather threw at them. So off to yard waste they went. The dead, weed infested pepper plants that haven't provided a single pepper in weeks? Gone. Buh Bye. I have to admit, it was lethargic ripping and pulling and tossing the plants. The aftermath of my blitzkrieg. But, I'm not one to totally give up. There were two squash plants, and the sunflower plant, that looked like they just...Read more