Coach Gone Quick as Lightning

Selaidopoulous Won't Be the Coach

Just 60 days or so before its first game, Louisville’s professional indoor soccer team has had to replace its highly-touted new coach.

Kyt Selaidopouos, who was introduced in June as the team’s new coach, notified team officials from his home in Montreal, where he operates a soccer-related business, that family issues will prevent him from coming to Louisville this month. Last year, he played in the arena league for Milwaukee.

“It would have been great to have Kyt here but he had some personal and family issues come up,” said GM Nick Stover. “It was unexpected. We hope everything’s OK wiht his personal and family life, and we wish him the best.”

Now the Lightning has hired Scott Budnick, the team’s coach in the first year, as head coach. Last year’s head coach, Ted Nichols, will be associate head coach.   Nichols is a co-owner of the team and the Mockingbird Valley Sports Complex, along with architect Wayne Estopinal.  Budnick, an attorney, was the Professional Arena Soccer League coach of the year in 2009, when the Lightning finished 12-6 and played in the national championship game of the U.S. Open Cup.

The Lightning will hold tryouts beginning next week. Check the site for a schedule.