The Daily Journal of Luke and Rick, Day 3
School today was fairly boring, not much happened. The only thing of importance that was talked about today was… well actually nothing. The walk home from school oddly boring as well since nothing came into my head that was interesting to think about. However my brother and his fiancée came over for dinner, which is always great. We had some great cooking from my mom and talked about a variety of things ranging from school to family to Ebola stuff (my brother isn’t scared in the least bit). Though the symptoms of Ebola and what Ebola does to you made my mom very uncomfortable, which was funny. Well that concludes my day so I’m going to get back to my computer game.
I walked up the street to Loui Loui’s for dinner with Paula. On the way, two college-age women on Wal-mart bicycles stopped to talk with me. It was dusk, and they were dressed conservatively, in dresses with little hats like I’ve seen Amish women wear. With a huge smile, one asked me about my relationship with Jesus Christ.
My answer made it clear that I wasn’t going to be their convert to Mormonism for the day. But we did have a nice conversation. She asked what I knew about Mormons, to which I joked that I knew from South Park that it was the right religion. And that I knew about Big Love, the HBO series. I asked about their mission, recalling reading about BYU athletes giving up a year of athletic eligibility to go on faraway missions. I wonder how they drew Louisville as their destination.
They live in an apartment, and apparently were out looking for people to talk with about Mormonism. They even gave me a card, asking me to investigate the church. I actually have read a lot about Mormons, including the disturbing 2003 book by Jon Krakauer, “Under the Banner of Heaven.” I’m sure they wouldn’t recommend it.
In other news, I got a call from my son Nick, who’s 24 and lives in New Orleans. I’m really proud of him. He’s working in a children’s museum, but his passion is focused on a play he’s producing. He’s also the creator of the name “Rusty Satellite” and it was great to tell him how the show (the weekly podcast I produce) is gaining in popularity. I’ve promised Nick a cut of all the proceeds of the show, and he’s going to use it for materials to get his play produced. A win-win.