There’s nothing quite like taking a stroll through Matthew Landan’s Derby City Espresso on Market Street. It may have been a coffee shop, but it was as different from your average Starbucks as it could be.
The place is almost hidden just west of the Residence Inn, but you won’t forget the eclectic collection of, well, stuff that’s in there. I stopped in during the day several times and engaged in interesting conversations with the outspoken Landan, who was always willing to admit the business was tough — he had no employees and spent most of his time there. And for no charge you could get Landan’s opinions on the failings of local government.
But Landan provided a place for emerging musicians to play, and wasn’t afraid to showcase performers of all types. He’s closing up DCE with special shows the next two nights. Tonight there’s a “Word Spoken” poetry slam, and tomorrow it’s a final party featuring Babyfishmouth, Yo’Majesty, & Half-Mile Millionaires. I have no idea who they are, but it ought to be a big night.
Landan says he’s getting “out of the coffee business and into the whiskey business” on Facebook, and hints that something new will be coming to the Market Street space. But first, he’s got a European vacation planned.