Delectable End of the Week Goodies


What a way for the week to end — with every TV station camped outside the federal courthouse, anxiously awaiting for something, anything, to happen with the Karen Sypher sentencing. As I write this, WAVE has a live stream from the other side of Broadway from the courthouse, where people are milling about. It may be the least interesting live stream in the history of video. Except for the comments you can overhear from the unseen people behind the camera about female reporters.

Karen Sypher is surrounded by media in this C-J video clip image

Karen’s wearing a blue pantsuit with an open-collared light blue top.  Check out the C-J’s video footage of the 15 protesters from early today.

Some other goodies:

Guess who’s bummed about this great weather? Try Bill Lamb and other TV station general managers, whose numbers overall for the February sweeps are down, way down, because without threatening weather, people are actually outside and NOT watching TV.

Breakfast with Lamb: Mark you calendar for March 14 and’s Breakfast of Champions. Lamb will be our featured speaker at the University Club at 7:30 a.m. and will tell us how he comes up with those Point of View editorials.  For $15, you get a buffet breakfast and a chance to mingle with some influential movers and shakers.

Helicopter Rumor: Several sources have confirmed that WAVE-TV and WHAS-TV are in final contract negotiations to share a helicopter, an unprecedented station cooperation move that will save a bunch of money for both stations. Fox41 gave up its helicopter years ago (it rents on when needed) which will leave WLKY-TV as the only local station with its own dedicated bird. Not sure what kind of advantage that gives them, but you can expect some over-the-top helicopter promotions once the WAVE-WHAS deal is done.

Tonight at Yum: A rare Friday night home game for U of L, along with unseasonably mild temps, should make downtown the place to be tonight. The Cards take on Connecticut at 9.

July 2 at Yum: That’s right, the Taylor Swift show is already SOLD OUT.

Happy Hour at Brownings: You  can join me and members of the blogging team at Browning’s for Happy Hour tonight at 5.

JK is 30: The big shindig tomorrow is JK McKnight’s 30th birthday party at Headliners.  The captain of the Forecastle ship is only 30.

Enjoy the weather, and thanks for reading us at