Details for Muhammad Ali’s LouisvilleKY funeral


Louisville, KY., – Muhammad Ali’s funeral will take place in his hometown of Louisville, KY on Friday, June 10th at the KFC YUM! Center. The service will be open to the public and will begin at 2:00 pm. For those unable to attend, it will be streamed live from The event will be open to the public with limited seating. Information and details on tickets will be released as they become available.

In addition to the funeral, there will be a procession throughout Louisville to allow the general public to pay their last respect to the “Greatest of All Time.” On Friday, June 10 beginning at 9AM, the procession will travel northbound on Bardstown Road, westbound on the Watterson expressway, and then north on I-­65 to westbound I-­64 (exiting 9th Street ramp). Then traveling west on Muhammad Ali Blvd to 34th Street, left on 34th street to Broadway, making a left on Broadway and then traveling to Cave Hill Cemetery. The route includes locations that were historically important to Muhammad.

Photo from Muhammad Ali Center's Facebook page.
Photo from Muhammad Ali Center’s Facebook page.

The procession will proceed slowly down these streets in order to allow mourners to pay final respects during Muhammad’s final journey.

Mourners will also be able to pay their respects at the Muhammad Ali Center (144 N 6th Street Louisville, KY). The Center will be open throughout the week to allow the public to celebrate the life and legacy of Ali. In lieu of gifts or flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Muhammad Ali Center ( to continue promoting Ali’s legacy of humanitarianism.

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Credentialed media will be allowed inside the funeral at the KFC YUM! Center. All members of the media will be required to present valid credentials at the event. Media can request credentials at