Discovery of the Day: Turkey Run Park

Turkey Run Park

According to its web site, Turkey Run Park is scheduled to open in a few weeks. I can tell you from a first-hand look, a likely-illegal bike ride from Broad Run Road to Bardstown Road through the park, that it is pretty spectacular.

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I wasn’t supposed to go past here

Sure, the signs aren’t finished, but the big attraction was there before the roads were put in. I rode past a No Trespassing sign off Broad Run Road on a pristine stretch of asphalt. Designed for biking and hiking, I encountered a monstrous hill that I couldn’t summit without getting off the bike and walking.

The reward was a series of spectacular views, with no one else around, the only sound coming from birds and very distant roads. I passed a few construction crews and went for miles on the untested road. Yes, it was hilly, and I hit 32 mph on a downhill. Park planners have created some vistas that allow you to see for miles – and this morning was uncluttered by clouds.

I made the round trip in less than two hours — a perfect addition to the neighborhood

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