I went to the studio to record this week’s Rusty Satellite Show fresh off a fantastic evening at the Kentucky Center for the Arts. I was part of a packed house that witnessed a moving 4-minute documentary called The Potter’s Field.
The film has plenty of local ties, and was filmed almost entirely within the city limits. Young director Edward Heavrin started the project by filming a homeless man he came across. From there, he got some help, spent countless hours editing, and produced the finished film. It answers the question — What happens to the homeless when they die? It explores the issue of homelessness, and showcases the wonderful program in which high school students attend burials in the city’s Potter’s Field.
Rusty Satellite fans will recognize in the credits the name Nick Weis, who I believe was co-director, as the same young man who was a guest talking about his documentary, World’s Greatest Extra. What’s more, the Potter’s Field is produced by Gill Holland’s company, The Group Entertainment. I’ve scheduled Gill to be a guest on next week’s Rusty Satellite.
That’s just one highlight of, I think, a highly entertaining Rusty Satellite. I talk with John Asher about birthdays, WKU football, and the important changes going on at Churchill Downs. Angie Fenton came on to quiz me about plenty of things on my birthday, including my dating status. That was a little uncomfortable, but it’s good to get outside your comfort zone. And I got to talk about being a Dad and imparting whatever wisdom I’ve given to Nick, Josh and Luke.
So please tune in and share the podcast with your friends.