Don’t Join the Exercise Resolution Crowd, Make it a Lifestyle

I noticed the crowds at Urban Active and Louisville Athletic Club are picking up, as they do every year, with newly-resolutioned people vowing that this is the year they’ll stick with it, lose the weight, quit smoking, eat right, etc. And most, of course, won’t stick with it, and about March they’ll be back to their old lifestyle.

Just take a walk every day

That’s right, it’s a lifestyle. I’ve been struggling a bit lately because of a knee injury, and considering how I might replace the fitness and mental boost I get from playing racquetball 3-4 times a week. For the last several weeks, I’ve been going to the gym and just lifting weights and running. Yes, I hate it. But it’s better than doing nothing. The good news for me is that the knee is responding well, and I’m back on the court.

But my friend Dr. John Gilderbloom posted something on Facebook today that provides some eye-opening stats about the benefits of just a little exercise every day.  According to this video from Dr. Mike Evans, 30 minutes a day of exercise is enough to ward off a lot of health problems. Now, the video is 10 minutes, so I don’t expect you to watch the whole thing, but take this away from it this: “Low fitness is the strongest predictor of death.”

Then there’s the big question — “Can you limit sitting and sleeping to 23 1/2 hours per day?”

That ought to get your attention.