(Originally published here on May 31, 2020. When you have a craving, and there’s none around … well, at least I had the foresight to buy some Viking Hat Bakery bagels at the farmers market yesterday. As an aside, in autumn of 2023 came the long-awaited return to the Faergekro restaurant in Copenhagen, and I’m pleased to report the herring there are as lovely as ever.)
“A kind word is no substitute for a piece of herring or a bag of oats.”
— Sholom Aleichem
When it comes to social media, other people go berserk about postings on politics and religion, but the ones that really annoy me go something like this:
Q: Hey guys, what’s the weirdest restaurant experience you ever had in a foreign country?
A: Well, one time we were in a McDonald’s in Casablanca, and …
You what?
You went all the way to Morocco and ate in a McDonald’s?
Why on earth would a person do something like that?
I mean, it’s bad enough to brag about your Chick-fil-A Platinum Rewards card here in America, but why waste your time patronizing generic chains when you’re have the good fortune to travel overseas in the first place?
(gurgling...Read more