Recently I was sent a link to an Awakening with the Masters teleconference call with Jo Dunning. Her powerful story inspired me to ask a question that has been helpful in expanding my awareness. Maybe it will help you also.
Jo Dunning’s Journey
She had always been curious about life and plants with a longing for knowing more. She learned a little bit about “everything” and felt she had the answers to life’s questions. But these “answers” were all from what she had read, from other people’s perspectives.
She asked for a rapid change and the Universe provided it in the form of a Home Invasion. She was shot and a friend was killed. This shattered the understanding she had of life. Now she knew she did not know.
She was left with only two beliefs
1. Inside each of us is a Guidance System helping us go from Where We Are to Where We Want to Be.
2. Every experience’s intention is a gift to align us and get us closer to Source.
She became aware of the Guidance System helping her make choices. These were choices about what tomato to buy, or where to go today… Each moment she holds the focus of “what is the next step?” and feels the ABSOLUTE direction of “what next”!
I have had this kind of experience on occasion. It is so freeing! My energy is so light when there is no doubt or concern. When this happens it frees up my energy for whatever else I want to use it for.
Jo began experiencing others being healed in her presence. Then people were asking her to teach them how she did it. She said it took her three years to explore how she awakened the process for this healing to occur.
My Learning
At this point I started asking myself, “What do I do to tap into healing energy?”.
What came was one word – ALLOWING. I immediately saw many experiences in my life that have come about because I ALLOWED. This goes way beyond a healing session.
This also reminds me of another thing I have learned – healing looks like what it looks like, ie it is not limited to a healing session. For some people the most “healing” thing I could do was doing their dishes, laundry, taking care of their child, etc.
When I became open and unlimited in my consciousness of what healing looks like I was open to more experiences. The ALLOWING, has been instrumental in my experiencing what people call Miracles.
I shared the concept of ALLOWING with someone who has spent most of her life caring for others. She was in a situation where being cared for was appropriate. Over the phone I could feel her back go stiff and strong and heard her say “I can’t do that.”
Lack of Flow
Allowing the flow to come to me in the form of gifts (service, experiences, things, etc) money, food, healing sessions, friendship,… without having to pay for it was part of my journey. I expect many of you have the same experience . Are you one of those that is still stuck or one of those allowing a flow?
Jo Dunning offered her perspective that all people have challenges in life, it is just that evolved people go through the bumps of life smoother because they Trust and express Gratitude. I hope this is helpful as you take your next step on your journey.
While the concept of ALLOWING seems to resonate for me, I want to encourage you to ask what it is that sets you in a place or consciousness of FLOW so you may experience the miracles and wonders of life.
enjoying the journey,
Mollie Yunker
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Let the Healing Begin!
© Copyright, Mollie Yunker, 2011