Fall Campaign Underway – Good News for TV Stations

Here’s the first of what promises to be an intense six-month advertising campaign — Steve Beshear’s first TV spot in the Governor’s race against David Williams.

Beshear, running with Jerry Abramson (who’s not going to b e a part of many ads that air outside Jefferson County), has built up a huge war chest for the election, and he’s going to spend it on TV ads. Williams has already thrown down the gauntlet, with his “No more Mr. Nice Guy” comment assuring voters that no dirty laundry will go unnoticed.

Williams will be on the air soon. And while Beshear has said he’s not likely to go negative (which is what politicians always say early on when they’re running these “get to know you” soft spots),  he’s got a lot of ammunition with Williams and Richie Farmer.

And I expect there will be TV money in plenty of other races, especially for attorney general, where Jack Conway is going to take a hailstorm of criticism from Republican Todd P’Pool.

So get ready to have your favorite shows, and newscasts, interrupted with a lot of Dawson County twang.