A recent spoof of the fluff piece published in Sunday’s Courier-Journal has been circulating. Just too good not to share ~
Todd Blue, Demolisher
First Website: brokensidewalk.com
Song stuck in your head right now: (And the Walls) Come Tumbling Down by John Mellencamp and “Blow Up” by J Cole
Phrase you repeat too often: “It can’t be done”
Phrase you would like to outlaw: “It can’t be done” (unless it is an old building to be saved, then it really can’t be done.)
First Concert: Pink Floyd, the Wall
Best Driving Music: “Money” by Pink Floyd
Book on night table right now: .”Lots of Parking: Land Use in a Car Culture”, 2004, by John A. Jackle and Keith A. Sculle.
Always in your refrigerator: Limberger Cheese
Historical Character: General Sherman. I really admire what he was able to do in Atlanta
Political Heroes: Ronald Reagan — he tore down the Berlin Wall
Best meal you can make yourself: junk food
A bad habit: not listening
One team you’re the biggest fan of: the Ramblin Wreck from Georgia Tech
Next Movie: Demolition Man
My significant other gets annoyed when I: don’t get my way
Signature Drink: An irish car bomb or anything on the rocks
Magazine Subscription you’ve had the longest: C&DR (Construction & Demolition Recycling)
Current TV Obsession: “This Old House”
Favorite Louisvillian/Kentuckian: Greg Fischer of course
Favorite Coffee Shop: I don’t like coffee shops since they are usually in old buildings.
What you’d major in if you had it to do all over: History, I love historical things or anything old.
Favorite building (that you didn’t build): The old Belknap Hardware building that was imploded
Epitaph Words: Timber, or maybe Fore. Or a spin on my favorite Latin phrase, “I came, I saw, I parked”