Fired up for Football? Here are Some Changes at PJCS


It’s time to get fired up for the home opener at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium. After last week’s performance in Atlanta, Card fans, including Tom Jurich, has some pretty amazing expectations for the Noon Kickoff against Houston. The main one being the home debut of Lamar Jackson.

Hear my interview with Jurich here.

U of L announced some improvements to the fan experience that I’m pretty excited about.

NO BLOOD ON THE TRACKS: You haven’t been going to game long if you haven’t come up to the railroad tracks beside the field and thought – hey I wish I could get across these tracks without hiking up to the Central Avenue overpass.

Problem solved. U of L will open gates for fans to cross three hours before kickoff, in time for the Card March. 30 minutes after kickoff the gates close, then re-open just before the end of the game.

DEALING WITH MR. OBNOXIOUS: You know that drunk dude that sits a few rows up and  yells obscenities at the field? Yeah, him. Now you can send a text to “VILLE” and a stadium staff member will come and tell him to shut up or leave. And he won’t know it was you who called him on it.

2015-09-08 10.42.55IMPROVED CELL SERVICE: Who hasn’t complained that they can’t get that cool selfie from the upper deck to send? Verizon is completing a temporary Distributed Antenna System that is being mounted above the Howard Schnellenberger Complex.  The catch — it only works for Verizon customers.

HELP FOR THE BEER LINE: Don’t you hate missing big plays waiting in the beer line?Now there are 11 new 46-inch TVs on the main concourse. Of course, remember that there are no beer lines at UK, because the school doesn’t allow beer sales.

CARDS, INTERRUPTED:  They’re building the new Thorntons Academic Center at the south end of the stadium, so it will look different. But the entrance is still open, though the terrain will be compacted gravel. Gates 3 and 5 will operate just as well.