Fox41 Will Remain with Fox, Etc.

Chris Thieneman and Kent Benson.

I had a great opportunity to meet Indiana basketball legend Kent Benson last night. Benson, who told me he recently moved from Bloomington to a huge spread in Nasvhille, was here to promote a new business, 1VIZN, which has opened a training center off Blankenbaker Parkway in Louisville.  The company sells “super fruit” blends and a weight loss program. Here’s a testimonial to that product — I was told that local realtor and UK All-American Rick Robey has lost 30+ pounds on the stuff in the last two months.

Those involved in the local launch include a UK – IU – U of L triumvirate of athletes — Robey, Benson and former U of L football star Chris Thieneman.

Fox is Still Fox: WDRB, which has been slowly changing its brand away from “Fox41,” announced today it has renewed its agreement with the Fox Network. This should put to rest those persistent rumors about a potential break-up between Bill Lamb and Fox, which brings the station some highly-rated fare like American Idol and NFL Football.

Here’s the official release:

WDRB-TV today announced the renewal of its network affiliation contract with the Fox network, assuring area viewers that the station will continue to be Louisville’s source for popular programs such as “American Idol,” “Glee” and “House,” as well as major sports franchises including NFL football, NASCAR and Major League Baseball, for the foreseeable future.

“We’re extremely happy we were able to reach this agreement with Fox and I believe the network is equally pleased,” said Bill Lamb, WDRB President and General Manager. “WDRB has been one of Fox’s strongest affiliates since we began our relationship when the network launched in 1986, and the partnership has been very beneficial to both parties for a quarter of a century. We look forward to continuing to bring Fox’s quality lineup of programs to Louisville viewers for many years to come.”

Really, You Can Say Penis on TV: I noticed how WAVE-TV anchors Dawne Gee and Janelle MacDonald intro’d the story about the Shelbyville trial of a doctor who removed an inch of a man’s penis. Both Gee and MacDonald referred to the man’s parts as “genitalia” rather than using “penis” as reporter Elizabeth Donatelli did. My email to the WAVE newsroom asking why went unanswered.

The trial is expected to end today

Help from Mary Moseley: The Galt House proprietor and her company really want Kentucky Kingdom to open back up. Mary Moseley is guaranteeing the $20 million Ed Hart says he needs to get the ball rolling toward a 2012 opening.