
Thankful for my Mom

My Mom, Dorothy Wade, age 85, feisty and nosy and generous as ever.

Luke, Josh and Nick — healthy, smart, independent and adventurous young men. Their Mom, Shelley.

Mark, my best pal. My golfing buddies. My softball and bowling teams. My racquetball tormentors — Tom, Doug, Scott.  Gilderbloom. Thieneman. Shawn, my dentist. Larry, since Rutherford Elementary. Harold. Jerry the barber. Holly.  The Breakfast of Champions. 2,422 friends. Ben Rhodes. Angie. Steve. Claudia Coffey, who just texted Happy Thanksgiving. and Jason, Cindy, Cyndy, Kirk, Al, Greg, Bill, Bob, Angela, April, Mollie, Leigh Ann, Barbara, Gabe, Brigid, Brittany-Ann, Chris, Margue, Tara and Billy and all the rest who’ve volunteered their talent here.  Those who comment here, especially the ones criticizing me. Page views. Links.

Diet Coke, Facebook, Steve Jobs, the blue jay outside my window, Paul Thorn, Actors Theatre, Homeland on Showtime,  Insight’s music channels, Terry Meiners, Joe Elliott, my iPhone, my knee doctor,  Slugger Field, my bike, Esquire magazine, good sources, a brain that works most of the time, Larry David, pizza choices, the Cardinals, fraternity brothers, Mom’s lasagna, Stephen King. Beer. The public library. LEO. Cracker Barrel being open today. Good Health.

I am extremely thankful.