Hal Heiner to address the Chamber Jeffersontown 2016 Annual Meeting

Jeffersontown, Ky., – The Chamber Jeffersontown is playing host to the newly-named Education and Workforce Development secretary Hal Heiner at its Annual Meeting this Thursday.

Heiner is filling in for the previously scheduled Governor Matt Bevin, who now can’t attend due to a scheduling conflict.

In addition to Heiner’s keynote address, the chamber will also swear-in its 2016 Board of Directors. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, January 21, 2016.

Reservation are required for the ticketed event — $55 for chamber members and $65 for non-members. Reservations can be made by calling (502) 267-1674.

jeffersontown chamber

A portion of each reservation fee ($5)  will go towards the 2016 Going Beyond Scholarship Program (GBSP). The GBSP is designed to award scholarships to adult learners who are currently employed by a Chamber member business.

The community center is located at 10617 Taylorsville Road.

More information can also be found at the chamber’s website.