Hip Hops: Two Louisville brewery startups, and fond memories of Czarnok Vendéglő

Hip Hops: Two Louisville brewery startups, and fond memories of Czarnok Vendéglő
The cabbage rolls at Czarnok Vendéglő looked like this (photo credit).

Admittedly I seldom venture beyond the historic center of metro Louisville unless it’s time to drive to the airport from New Albany (speaking of which, why are we too dumb for light rail?) to fly to Europe, and as such, it completely escaped me that Oldham County Brewing Company closed at the gold course on November 1, ending one of the more unique arrangements to vend craft beer—The Beer Hunter meets Caddyshack—albeit with a plan by the brewery’s reconstituted ownership to begin anew elsewhere.

Eleanor Tolbert has the relocation story at Louisville Business First: Oldham Brewing Co. to move near Old Louisville, change name.

Inside Job Brewing Co. is seeking a zoning change for a building at 1031 S. Sixth St. The company was formerly Oldham Brewing Co., which is moving from Prospect to the Limerick neighborhood.

Tolbert also gets the byline for this: Trellis Brewery to open in the Smoketown neighborhood.

Trellis Brewing is planning to open at 827 Logan St. on the Merchant’s Ice Tower property. The 7,500-square-foot building on the property was a former ice storage for the...Read more