Hometown Brewing Company (4041 Preston Highway) is the “house” brewery of Craft House Pizza. The story goes something like this.
Tom Brown, part-owner of the family-owned regional Hometown Pizza chain, bought the Cumberland Brews production brewery from childhood friend Mark Allgeier and moved it to Preston Highway near Muhammad Ali International Airport.
Then Brown departed Hometown Pizza, retaining four of its pizzerias, rebranding them as Craft House Pizza. Fittingly Hometown (the brewery) has brought back Cumberland Red, originally formulated by the late Matt Gould. Old-timers like me appreciate that.
But today we speak of Foxbody 5.0, chosen by Beer Connoisseur Magazine among its 100 Top-Rated beers of 2022.
The text:
100 Top-Rated Beers of 2022 in The Beer Connoisseur Magazine has us placed at #58 with our Foxbody 5.0.
“On the first sip, the flavor is malty with layers of toasted breadcrumbs and rich melanoidins. The spicy hops were low and provided just enough character to balance the malt. The bitterness is low as well and with no residual sweetness, this is a very clean lager indeed. The finish is short and malty dry, which begs for another thirst-quenching sip. A...Read more