I believe the children are the future


Ever wondered who’s looking out for the little guy? No, not the figurative “little guy” – our children. Well, here’s your chance! Next week, on February 17, is the 7th Annual Children’s Advocacy Day. Whose job is it to make sure the next generation is given the right tools for a successful future  – access to education, health care, a stable family environment? Let me let you in a secret – not just the folks with kids. We all have a stake in this so I hope you will find some time to either join us at the Capitol Rotunda or even just pick up the phone and call your legistlator that day.

The big issues surrounding health, education and economic stability are outlined in the Blueprint for Kentucky’s Children. Here’s the the biggest issue at the forefront – High School Graduation. Kentucky still ranks 25th in this area. HB 225 will raise the compulsory attendance age if passed. Currently, it is LEGAL to drop out of high school (and not be considered truant) at age 16. This law will step up the age to 18 over the next few years. Currently, 22 other states have already figured this out. Basically, we’re right down there with West Virginia. Let’s step up like some of our neighboring states of Tennessee and Indiana to make sure more of our kids have what it takes to be competitve in the 21st Century. In the links I’ve embedded in this blog, you can geek out on why having this bill passed is a great step in the right direction. Even Jamal Masburn thinks so!

So, I’ll be there along with folks from Kentucky Youth Advocates, Metro United Way and the Junior League of Louisville. If you want to join up, please message me!

Here are some links to help you know how to lobby your elected state officials:

Who’s your Legistor?

State Officials of Kentucky