Groom confession number 4 – I loved the meeting with the florist.
I don’t consider myself a very “artsy” person. I can’t draw, my ceramics professor in college called me his “special” student (why I took ceramics is a whole different blog), and in general I just never got the “high” that most creative types get from art. Of course, it then seems ironic that my bride-to-be plays 1,200 instruments, paints, writes, knits, and takes advantage of just about every other artistic outlet known to man. Opposites attract?
This may all have changed for me. I really should have thought about floristry (it’s a word) before. My parents met while they both worked at the flower shop. My mom arranged, and then my dad would deliver the works of art his bride-to-be created. It only makes sense that I would have a natural inclination for the art of flowers.
I thought the meeting with the florist would be the worst, but then my passion…blossomed. We talked about different vases, color schemes, the pros and cons of tall center pieces, how to bring in rustic plants without compromising elegance. It was great. Brigid hated it.
I think I should have been a florist. It was creative, it was fun, and I didn’t feel like the “special” student. So, I’m starting my own floral business. If you are looking to hire someone who doesn’t know the names of the plants, but loves to make all the pretty arrangements, I’m your man! You should hire me now though. We did of course get the florist’s bill…reference I Should Have Been a Photographer, and so it turns out I’ll get to try out my floral skills at my very own wedding. After that, watch out! experience is expensive.
Photo: johnsam