I Was There: Hello Summer Festival


When Jared of CiPit Productions approached me about being Staff Coordinator for the Hello Summer festival, I didn’t hesitate. After all, how could you say no to someone telling you that you’re the perfect person for the job? You can’t.

So I jumped right in. What better way to spend a summer day than in one of Louisville’s beautiful parks listening to great local music, right?

And a great day it was.

For Jared, Ally (also of CiPit Productions), and I, the Hello Summer festival started early–Thursday night, actually. After weeks of e-mails, meetings, and the like, we were finally doing it! We put together access passes for staff and the bands, we made signs to direct attendees through the maze that is Cherokee Park, and made Walmart runs. After a few hours of prep work and loading up our vehicles, we arrived at Hogan’s Fountain sometime around 3:00am.

You know it’s pretty hard to set up tents in the dark?

I didn’t.

We didn’t get electricity until after the sun had already risen. So the sound equipment had to wait.

First, the tents. Then, the stage.

Damn those platforms were heavy!

Before we even left for the park, I told Jared and Ally that the only thing they would be drinking from then on would be water.

“No. I’ve got to have my Red Bull,” Jared said.

“Five Hour Energy. And water. That’s it,” I quipped. “I’m not having you pass out in the middle of the festival.”

Silly man, he thought he was going to be able to sneak it past me anyway, and told me so.

As the morning progressed, more of the staff arrived, which meant that I got to start delegating tasks, instead of doing them all myself. As I delegated, I passed out water bottles, and told the staff I expected those bottles to be half-empty by the time they were finished with whatever they were doing. Happily, they didn’t protest as much as our esteemed leader.

Ally and I made runs to the Doo Wop Shop and Lowe’s.

Jared finally gave in and asked for a Five Hour Energy shot. Ally and I exchanged glances that were quite smug in nature.

Was everything going to be ready in time? We kept working, and kept wondering.

Finally, the bands started drifting in for their scheduled sound checks. This was my first time meeting, seeing, or hearing any of them.

We had two local comedians hosting the event for us, and when they arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to see Tyler Jackson was, in fact, the same Tyler Jackson that I went to WKU with. We chatted about old times in the English Club as Jared readied the equipment for them.

I gawked as Allison’s Escape arrived. I’d only learned a week prior that they were young teenagers—they looked very young indeed! I gawked again, when they took the stage for their sound check–they were positively amazing. I couldn’t wait to hear their whole set.

I was hot, sweaty, and dirty. I’d given up hope at this point that I’d be able to sneak home for a bit and shower.

The festival was just about to start…

Next time, I’ll post about the festival itself, with Youtube clips, and hopefully photos.