Ideas Flourish at Festival, and Rusty’s Talking About It



It’s Saturday, and I’m all set to go to the final semi-official event of the just-concluded Idea Festival. That would be the NuLu Festival, the fast-growing party on Market Street.  From 6-8, I’ll be at the Insider Louisville booth by their HQ. The rest of the time, I’ll be hanging out near my next beer.

rs14KrisKimelThis week’s podcast is all about the Idea Festival, including an interview with founder Kris Kimel. I went on Wednesday and Friday (to see Chris Bliss and the panel on purpose-driven marketing). Everyone I met there seemed to be infused with a bundle of energy and, generally, just happy to be there. I was especially impressed at the number of young folks there, and several from Manual High School asked intelligent questions of speakers.

I was especially intrigued with the idea of corporations putting “making the world a better place” into their marketing mix. I like it, and hope the inspiration extends into my life and work.


You don’t often see anything worth noticing in late Friday news — it’s traditionally the time for politicians to release embarrassing but necessary stuff — but the news about Greater Louisville Inc. indicates that the new guy in charge is serious about making changes there.  Repercussions to come.


RS14claudiacoffeyI hope you’ll listen in to my conversation with Claudia Coffey on the Rusty Satellite Show. Claudia’s story on human trafficking really opens your eyes to a problem that many don’t know exists. It’s hard for me to imagine how women fall into situations in which they are trapped and can’t escape. And then, really, I wonder about lowlifes who are customers of these dregs of society.

Claudia is a great student of media, and I always enjoy talking with her about what’s going on in local media.

Thanks for listening to the show on