Joe Biden Drops In On a Wacky News Cycle

Joe Biden comes to U of L today

Remember, Joe Biden’s in town, which means you might have to alter your path around the airport and U of L.  His talk, which you can watch streamed live, is at the Brown & Williamson Club at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium, at 11:30.  Later, the VEEP is doing a private chat with some U of L students with no cameras or recording devices allowed.

If Biden takes a look at the news, he’ll be amused by some of the kooky ideas going around, like. . .

Our Antiquated Alcohol Laws: In Hardin County, you can get a drink at certain restaurants, but can’t buy booze (manufactured right down the highway) anywhere else. It’s a quaint little idea, known as being moist, that some politician thought was a nice compromise between religious anti-drinking forces and sane people. So they’re trying again to get a wet-dry vote on the ballot.

Unlicensed Limos Operated by Felons: WHAS-TV’s Andy Treinen knew this limo operator was dirty, so he hired him and got the cops to pull him over. Then he did a great ambush interview.

The Bible in Public Schools: Kentucky legislators are so beholden to Christian voters that they’re trying, again, to get the Bible taught in public school classrooms.  Thank you, Rep. Reginald Meeks, for stating your opposition.

A Pervert at Shawnee: Yesterday, police entered the Academy at Shawnee to arrest Chad Fightmaster, a teacher for Jefferson Community and Technical College, on charges of trolling the Internet for sex with minors.

Where? On Coleman: Watch for local reporters at crime scenes from Louis Coleman Jr. Drive, formerly 34th south of Market.

Free Doesn’t Last: Count Councilman Brent Ackerson among those pissed at the Derby Festival for planning to charge people to sit in a public park and watch fireworks.  His statement about the greedy bastards at KDF:  “Like other members of the Metro Council, I represent people who could easily afford this new cost for admission. But I also serve families for whom this would be a great burden. Our waterfront serves as the People’s Park, a park which their tax dollars helped to build and continues to maintain. And Thunder is one of the signature events during the Kentucky Derby Festival which appeals to nearly everyone. We should not allow Waterfront Park and Thunder Over Louisville to be fenced off, placed out of the economic reach for our citizens, especially when the revenues from the sale of the Pegasus Pins are not going to the public coffers.”

On with Joe: Tune in to Joe Elliott’s radio show today (WGTK, 970AM) as I’ll be talking about the no-nudity ordnance, Whiskey Row and whatever Joe has on his mind. I’m on at 2.

And Tonight, Waiting Tables: I’ll be trolling for tips at the Celebrity Dinner Party, hosted by Denny and Susan Sweeney Crum – a benefit for Cystic Fibrosis. It’s one of the longest-running (#43)  and most popular charity events in the city. Angie Fenton, John Asher, Joe Arnold, Tim Laird are among the celeb waiters.  It’s at the Mellwood Center.