Work on Louisville Ky’s Kennedy Bridge is moving right along


Updated photos from Ohio River Bridges Project

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Mar. 25, 2016) – Work remains on schedule as crews with Walsh Construction continue to make progress on the deck of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge. A new floor system is being installed, which is expected to add decades of new life to the 52-year old bridge.

Nearly all of the west side of the old deck has been removed, with old steel removed and new steel being installed. The new floor system is being built on top of existing floor beams, with all new stringers, bearings and diaphragms the length of the Kennedy Bridge. More than 3.5 million pounds of steel are being replaced.

Ironworker Jason Carter carried a support angle into place.
Ironworker Jason Carter carried a support angle into place.

Stringers are the primary vertical support members of the floor system, running with traffic. After the new stringers are installed, a new concrete deck is being formed. Crews have started installing stay-in-place metal decking over the new stringers. Reinforcing steel (rebar) will be added, before the concrete is poured.
The new deck will include 5,700 cubic yards of concrete and 2.6 million pounds of reinforcing steel. The deck of the Kennedy is 250,000 square feet.

The work is being performed in two phases. Phase one focuses on the west side of the Kennedy Bridge and is expected to be complete in July. During phase two, the same work will be repeated on the east side of the Kennedy. Phase two is expected to run July-October.

The Kennedy Bridge is expected to remain closed to traffic until late October. When it opens in October, it will carry two through lanes of southbound traffic. Access will also be restored from I-65 South to I-64 West, I-64 East and I-71 North.

The south side (Kentucky side) of the Kennedy Bridge
The south side (Kentucky side) of the Kennedy Bridge

By late this year, the Kennedy will fully open to carry six lanes of southbound traffic, and the Abraham Lincoln Bridge will carry six lanes of northbound traffic.

The actual starting date and duration for the work may be adjusted if inclement weather or other unforeseen activities occur. Also, given the aggressive overall construction schedule for the project, Walsh DBT may shift work schedules when opportunities arise.

The Downtown Crossing includes the new Abraham Lincoln Bridge, an improved Kennedy Bridge and interstate connections on both sides of the river. Substantial completion of the entire Downtown Crossing is scheduled for December 2016.

Work on the deck of the Kennedy Bridge as a new floor system is installed.
Work on the deck of the Kennedy Bridge as a new floor system is installed.

Find all of the latest traffic information and more details on the Ohio River Bridges Project