Congratulations are in order for Gabe Bullard. My Highlands neighbor and go-to news guy in the radio-blog realm…and one hell of a gentleman.
With the listing made public in the fall of 2010, the challenge for WFPL to fill the News Director slot took its time to wind down. I can see why the search was tough and I can’t imagine one resume hitting all the points and plugs but I have to wonder what went on as the answer was dwelling right under their roof. Ah, business.
Just after reaching the three-year mark of blogging the news in The Edit, this assignment could almost be considered an anniversary gift that he will unwrap on Monday morning. A perfect Morning Addition, if you will.
Taking the helm at Louisville Public Media’s WFPL as News Director on January 31 , Gabe should bring some fresh blood and a strong voice to reporting and interacting with the Metro. One community, one lead at a time.
A St. Louis transplant, Gabe has served his public radio audience well as Reporter and Online Editor since January 2008. Peel back the onion, if you will, and one can discover the true, acerbic artist via his former blog home, Highway 61. Enjoy.
We got him, they miss him.
After moving to Louisville and landing in the Highlands, he became a comfy fit for the city and the feeling was mutual.
Gabe and his recording gear surfaced at any event worth covering and probably a few serendipitous moments along the way. Mellow, approachable, professional and smart as a whip, Gabe got his bytes and built fair and fast-paced stories around them.
At Louisville’s neighborhood monthly newspaper, The Highlander, publisher-editor Mary Jean Kirtley welcomed Gabe’s contributions to the expressions page. I hope he continues to find The Highlander as a forum for his observations.
Congrats, Gabe! I can’t imagine a more logical choice for this gig. Bring it on!