Lights Out on Shelbyville Not a Media Story

We were in the 4th frame at Ten Pin Lanes last night when all of  a sudden, the place went dark. The loud din of pins crashing stopped. Emergency lights came on. And the Monday Night Men's Bowling League was done for the night.  Outside, businesses up and down Shelbyville Road, just inside the Watterson, were dark. Here's what happened, according to LG&E's Chip Keeling. A fuse at a substation failed, caused by a break in a line. So crews had to check the line, and that took about an hour and a half. The fuse was replaced and the power restored at 11:50 p.m. It affected 242 customers, including Ten Pin Lanes. Rubbertown: Every TV station led its news last night from Rubbertown, where the explosion that killed two workers had residents up in arms and complaining about not getting any information from the offending company, Carbide Industries. But the truth, if you believe them, is that the company's explosion put no chemicals in the air and there was no danger for residents. But as usually happens when something goes on in Rubbertown, residents were quick to seek out TV cameras to complain about the company and express their fears. Mayor Fischer will address the situation this morning at 11. Cowen Out: WHAS-TV was quick to remind viewers that it had the news of Allan Cowen's ouster (yea, retirement) from the Fund for the Arts last Friday. Cowen announced it yesterday, ending a 35-year tenure in which he raised a lot of cash and ticked a lot of people off.  But he apparently ticked the wrong person off this time, and that person, Shannon Westerman of the LVAA, saved the voice mail message that eventually caused his ouster. Protests outside the Fund's offices and intense pressure from Arts supporters made it impossible, this time, for Cowen to hang on. Jackson vs. River Fields:  That's Rebecca Jackson getting all up in the face of River Fields.  She's blaming the environmental group for stopping progress on the East End Bridge and is heading up Kentuckians for Progress. Foodie Board: But not that kind of foodie. Mayor Fischer appointed 25 people to a Food Policy Advisory Board. It's not clear what they'll do, except to have some meetings and try to think of ways to get locals to eat better.  In includes farmers, restaurant owners and advocates. Click for the list. This Would Only Affect you if you...Read more