Join me in my interview with Tish Moscow, wife of the well respected late Dr Peter Moscow who helped bring revolutionary and life-changing healing alternatives to the Ohio Valley. She has been instrumental in re-establishing the Louisville Holistic Heath (Meetup) Group.
The third meeting is scheduled for Thursday March 21. Everyone is invited.
Tish, please tell me about your vision for Louisville Holistic Health Group
This is a forum for practitioners and others to learn what is available in the Louisville area in terms of alternative medicine, complementary care, holistic health. It is a place where practitioners can present their ideas, their work, whatever they are passionate about, and for everyone to learn. It is not limited solely to what most people think of as “medicine”. This forum is broad enough to cover any and everything that has an impact on our lives, from the environment to food choices and why they matter, and everything in between.
To date what has been done and how many people are showing up?
So far we have had two meetings, the first had about 25 people and the last had eight to ten, and we had sleet that night, so I suspect people were not willing to brave the elements.
The first night we had Dr Jill Bassett, periodontist, who explained her use of neodidium lasers to treat and prevent gum disease, followed by Patrick Gittli, acupuncturist and herbalist.
The second meeting we had Dr. Eric Epstein.
They have very different disciplines and very different styles, but the one thing all three have in common besides being professional practitioners is they are very good at their work and they are curious, creative and willing to share their knowledge.
What is the backstory or motivation behind forming this group?
My late husband Peter Moscow was instrumental, along with others (Dr. Gary Weinstein, who graciously hosts this forum) in forming one of the original groups here in Louisville many years ago, to examine and bring new ideas into the healing community and the community at large.
When I bumped into Gary at a holistic health fair this past fall, he mentioned he would like to start the group again, and I said I would do whatever it took to get it going.
I know what it is like to have three very sick kids, to schlep them from doctor to doctor, to drive up and down and around looking for help. I know what it is to have a standard medical approach fail, and to watch helplessly as your loved ones do not improve but become more ill. I was forced into the search for alternatives decades ago. So I know what it is to look and look and look for an answer to improve one’s health. I know how difficult this can be, and how much of a wilderness it can feel like.
What has been the response and feedback? Any aha moments you can share?
Most people express surprise when they hear that these modalities are available. People do not sit idly by, they ask questions throughout the presentation, they volunteer, they learn.
Are those showing up mostly practitioners or those interested in learning more?
It’s a mix. No matter who they are, they all want to learn more.
What would you like to see more of for this group specifically and for Louisville in general?
I would like this to truly be what its name says it is: The Louisville Holistic Health Group, a place where everyone is welcome to learn.
Everyone is welcome to join this generous community of holistic practitioners to learn and share:
online: http://www.meetup.com/Louisville-Holistic-Health-Group/
in person: Thursday March 21, 7pm, Featured speaker: Mollie Yunker, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Avalon Light Enthusiast, will talk about and demonstrate her unique approach to healing.
Center For Integrative Health, 105 Lyndon Lane, Louisville, KY in the Community Room on the second floor.