Louisville Castle’s Garden Party


The Conrad-Caldwell House AKA Louisville's Castle

Glasses and pinkies up! It’s time for the annual Garden Party at Louisville’s very own Conrad Caldwell House. The party happens every summer to celebrate the Old Louisville Hidden Treasures Garden Tour. Now that we feel the humidity increasing, we know summer is here, and so is the party. This Friday night, July 8th from 6 to 9 pm, the party will take place at the house located on 1402 St, James Court.

As you would expect at any social event, drinks will be poured, hors d’oeuvres will be served, music to be enjoyed and money to be spent (on yourself of course). The party will include a silent auction to benefit the Conrad Caldwell House Museum, yet the items will be purely selfish. At the auction there will include an overnight stay at the Inn at the Park, pampering items and also home and garden treats.

The more the merrier at this event to celebrate the National Recognition of the Conrad Caldwell House in the August issue of Victorian Homes magazine. This party will also be the kick off to the Garden Tour which will follow the event on July 9th and 10th. Support Old Louisville’s historical spots and join the event.

Questions about the event? Contact Frances Dulaney at 502.636.5023 or conradcaldwellhouse@gmail.com