Louisville Cycle Center: Perfect Sense


Here’s something to discuss at Car-Free Happy Hour tonight at Browning’s – and with our elected officials.

Bike Parking Respect in Chicago: McDonald’s Cycle Center from Streetfilms on Vimeo

Let’s make sure Chicago bike commuters aren’t the only ones getting all the cool stuff! Louisville’s active transportation advocates need to ask: “When do we get our own bike station? St. Louis has one. Cleveland has one. Lots of other cities have bike stations. I want Louisville to have one, too. With solar panels.

Possibility City! Let’s make that Get ‘er done City! And about that old railroad bridge for cyclists? What about that, Indiana? Hellllloooo? Let’s get on it. I want to ride across the river, damnit! And when we do a really great job of putting this stuff in place, watch Louisville grab the spotlight, start attracting young talent, keep our best and brightest from roaming off to Minneapolis, Portland, Boulder, Chicago.

Grace. Peace. Bicycle Grease.

PS: Remember, every lane is a bike lane. Share the road.

………( )/ ( ) Enjoy the ride home.
© Copyright, Kirk M. Kandle, MMXI
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