Louisville explosion Closes Downtown


At 8am this morning a series of explosions, originally thought to be caused by sewer gas, closed the downtown area at around 1st and 2nd street and Market and Main Street. Later a fire fighter said that it was not sewer gas but an electrical explosion and LG&E was exploring a possible failure.

Fire was seen coming out of man-hole covers and other man-hole covers were seen open – seemingly due to an explosion that happened in the sewer. Heavy smoke was seen at 1st Street and Market Street. In an exclusive LouisvilleKY.com interview an executive from a prominent business evacuated on First Street and Market said [that he] “heard a series of explosions and the smell was unbearable.”

Fire engines and other emergency crews were quick to respond and evacuate and close the area. The area soon became a major traffic problem with streets closed all the way down to River Road.

At a press conference LG&E said that an underground transformer caused a fire underground. Power was cut to hundreds of customers and there have been no reports of injuries.