LOUISVILLE (November 11, 2015) –Louisville Metro Government has won a $50,000 credit award from Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its work to improve government performance and transparency through open data and data-driven initiatives. The announcement was made at the annual New York City Technology Forum.
The AWS City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge recognizes local and regional governments and developers that are innovating for the benefit of citizens using the AWS Cloud.
Metro Government’s Open Data Portal, the Mayor’s Strategic Plan and LouieStat websites utilize the platform.
Since taking office in 2011, Fischer has made open data and the utilization of data to improve performance a priority for Metro Government.
Led by the Office of Performance Improvement and Innovation (OPI2) and the Department of Information Technology (DoIT), the city has developed several website resources to provide citizens with user-friendly information and meaningful insights into how government works. Citizens can easily identify the priorities and actions underway that are designed to deliver efficient and effective services. Using these online tools, citizens can review, analyze and comment on the ongoing process of government in new and innovative ways.
“From being named a top ‘Digital City’ in America the last five years, to this recognition from AWS, Louisville continues to be a leader in the nation regarding governments’ use of technology,” Fischer said. “Technology has improved the way government does business. We want our customers, the citizens of Louisville, to get the best service possible, and this award from AWS will help us continue to improve our performance and efficiency.”
Metro Government’s Open Data Portal has 156 data sets that provide public access to the latest city data. Additionally, the Mayor’s Strategic Plan and LouieStat websites offer an objective view of government priorities and performance, and are helping Metro Government improve the services it provides across all 24 departments.
“This award is a testament to the great work being done across Metro,” said Theresa Reno-Weber, chief of Performance & Technology. “We are proud to be recognized by AWS, an industry leader in open data management, and look forward to continuing our efforts.”
“OPI2 and DoIT will continue to improve the city’s use of open data and LouieStat in order to give citizens and businesses a more meaningful, interactive and visual look at how their tax dollars are spent,” said Jason Ballard, director of DoIT.