LouisvilleKy citizens called to mobilize against gun violence


Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods calls for community mobilization against gun violence

People urged to walk and turn on porch lights Wednesday as a sign of solidarity


LOUISVILLE (May 10, 2016) – The Louisville Metro Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods is calling for citizens across Louisville to be part of a community mobilization effort on Wednesday to oppose gun violence and show support for its victims.

As part of that, the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods is asking every place of worship in Louisville to forgo its weekly Bible study on Wednesday night (May 11), in order to walk the neighborhood where their church is located. The staff of OSHN will be walking in a show of support for residents of Beecher Terrace. Anyone wanting to participate is asked to wear comfortable shoes and meet at 10th and Jefferson streets at 5:30 p.m.

The office urges people to leave their signs and agendas at home; the walk is meant as a simple symbol of solidarity.

city skyline

“We have experienced far too much violence in our community. Every incident leaves a trail of family, friends and neighbors with questions and grief,” said Yvette Gentry, Chief of Community Building for Louisville Metro Government. “We must understand the importance of unity as we work to find solutions and develop a system that supports one another. We may not always agree on what actions need to be taken to address the issues that plague our neighborhoods, but we must continue to invest and believe in the power of people.”

Mayor Greg Fischer created the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods in 2012, mindful that violence is a public health issue that requires all citizens to be involved in solutions.

“We need to support the health of our neighborhoods and communities by increasing opportunities, supports and healing the same way we would if an infectious virus broke out,” said Rashaad Abdur-Rahman, Director of the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods. “Community mobilization is a critical part of the anti-virus to this disease.”

All Louisville residents also are asked to turn their porch light on Wednesday at 5:30 and keep it on all night, as another sign of solidarity against gun violence. You’re also invited to use the power of social media to let everyone know of your support with the hashtag, #Ourlightison.

“Only light can drive away darkness. Please come out and share your light with us on Wednesday night,” said Chief Gentry.

The OSHN plans to follow this event with several community meetings in coming weeks.