LouisvilleKy’s Government website tops national award for digital excellence


LouisvilleKY., – The Center for Digital Government released its national rankings today for city government websites, placing Louisvilleky.gov first in the Center’s Government experience Awards.

The awards “recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that have gone to the web and beyond to radically improve the experience of government and push the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered,” according to the center.

website-tops-national-award-digital-excellence/screenshot-4-3/” rel=”attachment wp-att-26516″>louisville city <a href=website” width=”1024″ height=”438″ />

“State and local governments are responding to citizen wants and needs with increasingly sophisticated online experiences,” said Dustin Haisler, chief innovation officer for the Center for Digital Government. “This year’s Government experience Awards winners have well-designed websites and innovative channels that provide citizens meaningful information and services, robust data integration and an exceptional user experience.”

Mayor Fischer’s work to improve citizen interaction and transparency is part of his strategic plan to “…annually expand our digital offerings and presence as well as increasing transparency, availability and usability of information and data.” You can see the Mayor’s entire strategic plan here:https://louisvilleky.gov/sites/default/files/mayors_office/pdf_files/strategicplanjuly2018.pdf

“This award is a testament to the tremendous work our team has done to improve digital access to services and information for all of our citizens,” Mayor Fischer said. “I encourage everyone to visit Louisvilleky.gov when they need get things done or learn about our city service offerings.”

Louisvilleky.gov was just recently updated to improve the smart phone experience and to highlight the most popular services more prominently on the city’s homepage. Some of those services include:

MyLousville: Map Services by Address: https://louisvilleky.gov/city-services/mylouisville

City Services Lookup: http://louisvilleky.gov/city-services/services

City Events Calendar: http://louisvilleky.gov/events

City News: http://louisvilleky.gov/news

Online Maps: http://louisvilleky.gov/city-services/maps

Report an issue: http://louisvilleky.gov/city-services/report

Open Data Portal: https://data.louisvilleky.gov

Map Crime: https://louisvilleky.gov/government/police/services/crime-maps

Permits & Licensing Search: http://portal.louisvilleky.gov/codesandregs/mainsearch

Get a Permit: http://louisvilleky.gov/government/get-permit

Get a License: http://louisvilleky.gov/government/get-license

A popular feature is live chat with Metro311, located on every page of our site. The Metro311 team sends constant chat feedback to the web content team, ensuring that our site content is always up-to-date.

In addition to Louisvilleky.gov, Louisville Metro is working to offer services in other innovative ways. We’re a partner with IFTTT (https://ifttt.com/), a web and mobile platform that allows visitors to customize their digital experience with such tools as Twitter, Google, and Amazon Echo.  And the city is beginning to offer services through the new digital kiosks being installed in and around downtown.

All that helped Louisville rank first among the 2018 government experience award winners in the city category. The full list follows:

Overall City Government experience Winners:

1st Place City of Louisville, KY

2nd Place City of Los Angeles, CA

3rd Place City of Tuscaloosa, AL

4th City of San Diego, CA

4th Place City of Baton Rouge, LA

5th City and County of Denver, CO
About the Center for Digital Government
The Center for Digital Government (www.centerdigitalgov.com) is a national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. The Center is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education. www.erepublic.com