Louisville, KY (November 28, 2016) – The Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA), an alliance of over 870 locally owned and independent businesses, officially launched its 9th annual Buy Local, Win $1000: hoLOUdays Contest on Small Business Saturday. The purpose of the contest is to encourage shoppers to choose local and independent businesses for their holiday purchases, because making a shift to local independents is one of the fastest ways to build a strong local economy and create jobs in our community. So, while buying gifts for loved ones this season, Louisvillians can also give a gift to their community.
To enter the contest, shoppers will collect receipts from LIBA member businesses until January 3, 2017, and then present the receipts for review at one of the sponsor sites (Heine Brothers’ Coffee or Feeders Supply locations) or submit via mail/online/email/text. Each receipt counts as one entry. The winner will receive $1000 to spend at LIBA member businesses of their choice.

Another way to enter the contest is to purchase LIBA’s new eGift Card, good at over 50 LIBA member businesses. LIBA’s eGift Cards are available for purchase online at keeplouisvilleweird.com.
A recent study of Louisville-area businesses shows that for every $100 spent at a locally-owned, independent business, $55 is reinvested locally, whereas only $14 is reinvested when that same money is spent at a national chain. By shopping local, consumers also help to preserve the unique community character of the Metro Louisville area.
“The Small Business Saturday campaign and the hoLOUdays Contest are aimed at contrasting the typical Black Friday shopping frenzy with a neighborly, community-minded approach to thoughtful gift giving,” said Jennifer Rubenstein, Director of LIBA. “Buying from locally-owned independents is a gift to the community because of the financial ramifications and the well-being of the businesses that make our town unique.”
The hoLOUdays contest winner will be drawn live on Friday, January 6, 2017 at 12:00pm on WAVE Country with Dawne Gee, and they will get to choose from over 870 LIBA businesses where they wish to spend their prize.
LIBA’s Buy Local, Win $1000: hoLOUdays Contest is generously sponsored by Feeders Supply, Heine Brothers’ Coffee, Louisville Magazine and LEO Weekly.
About the Louisville Independent Business Alliance
LIBA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the unique community character of the Metro Louisville area by promoting locally-owned businesses and to educate citizens on the value of buying locally. For more information about LIBA, visit www.keeplouisvilleweird.com.
About Small Business Saturday
November 26th marks the seventh annual Small Business Saturday, a day designated to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods around the country. Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: more customers.