LouisvilleKY’s small businesses Host Annual hoLOUdays Contest


Louisville, KY  – The Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA) has officially launched its annual Buy Local, Win $1000 hoLOUdays Contest. Now through January 2nd, shoppers can enter to win a $1,000 LIBA gift card at any of the 450+ LIBA member retailers. More info and official contest rules are available at keeplouisvilleweird.com/hoLOUdays.
New this year, LIBA will host “12 Nights of hoLOUdays,” a series of special events held at different local retailers. The first event will be held Tuesday, November 27, 4pm-7pm at Red Tree, 701 E. Market Street, and will feature complimentary cookies, 50% off all holiday ornaments, and a drawing for a $50 Red Tree gift card. Attendees can also of course enter the hoLOUdays contest. The full list of events can be found at keeplouisvilleweird.com/hoLOUdays.
LIBA will also celebrate Small Business Saturday, on November 24th by hosting two special events. The South End Shop Small BrewgaLOU will be held from 10am-12noon at Feeder Supply, 4921 Dixie Hwy, and feature pop up shops and a coffee tasting from south Louisville coffee shops. The Shop Small West event will be held from 3pm-5pm at Lyles Mall, 2600 W. Broadway, and will feature door prizes, kid’s activities, pictures with Santa, refreshments and shopping. The West Louisville Dream Team will also be launching their online West Louisville Business Directory.
Created by American express in 2010, Small Business Saturday serves as the ceremonial kickoff to the holiday shopping season for small businesses across the United States. In 2017, an estimated 108 million consumers reported shopping or dining at local, independently-owned businesses on Small Business Saturday, according to the Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey.
“The Small Business Saturday campaign and the hoLOUdays Contest are aimed at fostering a neighborly, community-minded approach to thoughtful gift giving,” said Jennifer Rubenstein, Director of LIBA. “Buying from locally-owned independents is a gift to the community because it helps build a strong economy, creates jobs, and supports the businesses that make our town unique.”
recent study of Louisville-area businesses shows that for every $100 spent at a locally-owned, independent business, $55 is reinvested locally, whereas only $14 is reinvested when that same money is spent at a national chain. By shopping local, consumers also help to preserve the unique community character of the Metro Louisville area.
The hoLOUdays contest winner will be drawn live on Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 12:00pm on WAVE Country with Dawne Gee. LIBA’s Buy Local Win $1,000 hoLOUdays Contest is sponsored by Feeders SupplyHeine Brothers’ CoffeeLouisville Magazine and LEO Weekly.
About the Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA)
LIBA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the unique community character of the Metro Louisville area by promoting locally-owned businesses and to educate citizens on the value of buying locally. For more information, visit www.keeplouisvilleweird.com.