LouisvilleKY’s THE WEEK: All Night Long with Delbert, Chocolate Cocktails and a Sex Scandal Goes Away
I'm just hours away from my Delbert McClinton reunion in Frankfort, of all places, and I'm pretty excited about seeing Delbert at 75. I was introduced to "Giving it Up for our Love" on Natural 97 Radio in the Orange Palace at the Pike House in Bowling Green with Mark Hebert. I've seen him live a bunch of times since, and had my only "Cruise" experience with him.
Meanwhile, there's plenty to discuss here, starting with
The Sighs (of relief) in Texas Are Upon Us: What looked a week ago like another long-lasting sex scandal at U of L went away very quietly Thursday when Jonathan Blue's attorney announced her client had settled his divorce case with his wife Tracy, negating the need for Charlie Strong to come and testify
[caption id="attachment_20784" align="alignright" width="150"] Tommy O'Shea. Photo by Bill Brymer[/caption]
about his relationship. No juicy details were released.
Gotta Get A Green Shirt: I'd like one like Tommy O'Shea was wearing during our Highlands interview for the Rusty show, in which he discussed some family history and our common bond - the South End. Listen in on a great Rusty Satellite Show, which includes a great conversation with Kirby Adams.
Champs Drinking Cocktails: Next Wednesday,...Read more