I could certainly pout about plenty of the items that perturb me around here, like enduring these NCAA Tournament games with no real rooting interest, thinking what might have been had the Cardinals been taking on a 14 seed today. And then there’s the disturbing news out of Bowling Green yesterday, where some un-named thing happened that resulted in the resignation of Coach Ray Harper and the suspension of three players.
Politics? Sheesh. Mitch McConnell finds it convenient to ignore the Constitution by refusing to consider President Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court. The Kentucky Senate keeps cranking out anti-progressive legislation, attempting to curtail a successful needle exchange program in Louisville that’s been lauded by health experts. This, while heroin overdoses reach unheard-of numbers locally. Gov. Bevin has made it his administration’s goal to restrict women’s reproductive choices.
Desperate criminals tried to rob Deja Vu. Sexual perverts keep getting jobs in our schools, and getting caught.
And it’s looking a lot like Donald Trump could be president.
My car is still in the shop after a woman rear-ended me on Watterson Trail March 3.
Woe is us, right?
Wrong, because there is brighter news. The women’s NCAA Tourney, featuring a strong Louisville team, is being contested today in the Yum! Center. Tomorrow we will all stop what we’re doing and watch Kentucky and Indiana play in Iowa. There’s Actors Theatre’s Humana Festival, the new Speed Art Museum, and new restaurants like River House and Doc’s Cantina. The Derby Museum is opening an American Pharaoh exhibit. In Jtown, a new bowling alley/play place is opening next week.
On Wednesday, I was able to take a long bike ride with no pain in my bum ankle in 60+ degree weather, and I’m planning to play some golf soon. And I can’t watch all the high-quality TV I want to see. I got to see The Who at the Yum! Center.
As for politics, there are plenty of smart folks we can count on to find humor in those with whom I disagree, like Bill Maher, Trevor Noah and John Oliver. And this clip, as Samantha Bee trashed Bevin as the Paperweight of the Month:
Double the Podcast: Check out the 2nd edition of the Jeffersontown Chamber podcast, and learn about the city’s arts program and the Beatles collection up at the museum. And I talk with Board Chair Mark Russell about next week’s Business expo, featuring 130 booths, a lot of free food and a potential news item if Craig Greenberg says something remarkable in his keynote luncheon address. Greenberg is the chief executive at 21C Hotels and a member of the U of L Board of Trustees, which has kinda been in the news lately.

I Hate Tolls, But Not the Toll Lady: Listen in on Rusty Satellite as Mindy Peterson explains very nicely why I shouldn’t complain so much about the bridge tolls coming later this year. Still, I’m not going to Indiana. Plus, a very entertaining Irishman in Michael Reidy, who’s been serving Bangers and Mash at the Irish Rover for more than two decades.
The Pulse of the City: Come on back here to LouisvilleKY.com every day to see what else is going on in LouisvilleKY.