LouisvilleKY’s THE WEEK: A Double Dogs Doozy, The New Chief and the Cal Cast


On Monday, you can experience the opening of the new Double Dogs restaurant in Middletown, out by the Snyder. I was invited to a preview event last night, and the place is done up right, with a dog theme (in the spring, you can take your pup there and eat on the patio). The theme is incorporated throughout, down to the Bo’s Dog Bowl Nachos, served in, that’s right, a dog bowl. Check out my story on the place over at EatDrinkTalk, where you’ll also learn about the opening of the Goss Avenue Pub (in the former Craft House spot) and the closing of the last local Tom + Chee.

Of course, the dominant news story is today’s inauguration of Donald Trump as Twit-in-Chief. How that made news around here was in the story that Congressman John Yarmuth, after Trump put forth a Twitter insult with his colleague John Lewis, would not take part. And there was a social media controversy over the Sacred Heart choir’s scheduled performance at an inauguration event that had some parents miffed about being associated with the Donald.

rs78DennieHumphreyProf-For-Life? Was anyone surprised that ex Mayor-for-Life Jerry Abramson quickly found a new job at Bellarmine, once his D.C. experience ended with the departure of Obama? For many years, rumor around town has been that Abramson coveted the presidency of the University of Louisville. a job that is, in fact, open right now.

Monkey No More: On the site this week, you also read the somewhat sad story of the closing (in April) of the Monkey Wrench, and I had some quotes here from my friend Dennie Humphrey, who has operated the Wrench for nearly 12 years. That’s a nice run, and Dennie will go on to bigger and better things. Dennie, a proud WKU grad, was a guest on the Rusty show twice, once on the 10-year anniversary of the Monkey Wrench and talking about the opening of the Taj in NuLu.

No, No, NBA:  Here’s what I think happened. Some guy blogging about the NBA thought up some cities he thought the league might look to if and when it expands. He included Louisville on his list, igniting another round of local debate on the merits of having an NBA team, which is pointless, because no NBA team would co-exist at the Yum Center with U of L.

So How About More Hoops Stuff to Talk About: Lighting up sports talk shows this week was this podcast, hosted by John Calipari, and featuring Rick Pitino.


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Nike at home with Dad

Nike’s Home: My highlight of the week? No doubt it was getting to see worldwide traveler Nike Redding on his home turf. My son has been in Italy the last 18 months studying all aspects of theater, and is thriving there. Also, I had a delicious Ville(Y) Steak Sandwich at the Old Louisville Tavern and talked politics with Dan Borsch, so you don’t want to miss that either. You can listen here:

Rusty Satellite Show:


This episode of EatDrinkTalk is also a great one. Steve has been talking up the Fat Lamb in the Highlands for a while now, and sat down and talked about the success of the place with Dallas McGarity. I ventured out to Norton Commons to learn about Restaurant Week from the talented Marilyn Patterson, who is both the development’s lawyer and marketing director.

Also on the show, Steve and I discuss openings and closings and some other big local restaurant news.
