LOUISVILLE, Ky., – The popular ReSurfaced will return for one weekend in October at a new site near 10th and Rowan streets along the Ohio River.
“ReSurfaced: Three Days at 10th Street” will be held in a parking lot under the I-64 overpass near the city’s newest public art project called Connect/Disconnect (see previous story). It will feature music, art, food, DJ’s and a special Fried Chicken Throwdown cook-off.
“People loved the first two ReSurfaced projects on West Main Street and they will also love this new site that brings a completely different feel and vibe – with the city skyline as the backdrop,” Fischer said.
ReSurfaced is a joint effort by City Collaborative, Louisville Metro Government, Louisville Downtown Partnership, Urban Design Studio. Other sponsors include Forest Giant, Magnolia Photo Booth, Core Design and Slow Food Bluegrass and Hillerich and Bradsby.
ReSurfaced is being held in an employee parking lot owned by Hillerich and Bradsy.
“I want to thanks H&B for their willingness to welcome ReSurfaced,” Fischer said. “When people see what the City Collaborative team does with the space, they will be impressed that a parking lot can become such an innovative, unique space that features beer, art, music and community.”
For details, visit resurfaced.org.