Awards season is upon us, and one of my favorites each year is the voting in Today’s Woman magazine’s Most Admired Women. The local magazine offers up six women in each of a dozen categories and tallies up the online votes to come up with the city’s most admired females. You can also vote by Fax or Mail if you haven’t yet joined the 21st century. If you don’t know at least a few of these 72 women, you’re not very well connected.
I’m going on memory here, but it seems to me the Media category is most often captured by a TV anchor. So let’s take a look at the six women in the Media group nominations — Pam Brooks, Candyce Clifft, Mandy Connell, Lynda Lambert, Carissa Lawson and Renee Murphy.
Three TV anchors (Clifft, Lawson, Murphy), two radio personalities (Connell, Lambert) and then Brooks, the publisher of NFocus. They’re all great, and I’m not saying which one I admire most. But I hope you’ll pitch in here in the comments section with your opinion.
Other notable nominees: Mary Beth O’Bryan of Luna Boutique in Beauty and Fashion; Debbie Wesslund of the Jefferson County School Board and Dr. Cynthia Crabtree of Sacred Heart in Education; Summer Auerbach of Rainbow Blossom in Food; Cindy Sullivan in Home/Style; and Councilwoman Tina Ward-Pugh in Political.