More Trouble at WBKI


Rumors are pouring in about changes at WBKI-TV, where the station has apparently released Terry Glaser, who had been managing the station for the last several months. Glaser’s name, as of this morning, is no longer listed on the station’s website. That site now consists of a grand total of 10 employees.

The new station manager listed is Lennie Philyaw, who was once a local sales manager at a station in Spartanburg, S.C. and knows Paul Libovitz, who is an owner of a corporation, Louisville TV Group, that owns the station.

That’s a long way from the station’s recent past, when it produced a daily one-hour show, Louisville Live, with hosts Tara Bassett and Becca White. In July, White announced she was leaving for a job as a flight attendant. A week later, the station abruptly dropped the show.

The morning show wasn’t the only program formerly produced at WBKI that has left. According to a source, production of some shows has moved to WMYO-TV, including portions of a show called Dining Discoveries.

The station’s agreement with WHAS-TV to broadcast news at 10 p.m. remains in place.