Obviously Those Metro Council Funds Should be Cut

Council members have more reason to be upset with Judy Green

This morning’s C-J editorial addresses an obvious point to anyone who wants good government — the discretionary money provided by the city to Metro Council members should be drastically reduced or eliminated.

No one other than the groups getting the money would notice if the funds went away. As the editorial points out, a lot of the money is given to churches and faith-based groups, or organizations like Dismas Charities, which already has a black eye from the public’s point of view. Small cities and support for public schools may be worthy causes, but the way the money is awarded by council members stinks.

And all that money may go to what the Council members think are good causes, but it sure brings into question what government should be doing. I’m not sure spending more than $150K a year, in addition to the tax support the Jefferson County schools get, is where I’d direct city funds.

Mayor Fischer would be right to question the money now that he’s taking a close look at the city budget.

Of course, this gives Council members who are protective of the funds more reason to be bitter toward Judy Green, whose misuse of money is bringing all this to light.  While there’s been a respite from Judy Green news, it’s about time the Council gets back to moving forward on removing her from her seat.

In other stuff I thought was worth noting:

A Kentucky Angle on a Palin Theory: Yes, a Northern Kentucky University journalism professor has inserted himself into the controversy (I know, what controversy?) over whether or not Trig Palin’s mom is Sarah or Bristol. Brad Scharlott of NKU apparently doesn’t have much to do up there – he’s written a 29-page paper saying the whole pregnancy was a hoax swallowed by the media.

More Bad C-J news: Insider Louisville has a story on the Courier-Journal’s woes, including news that employment at 6th and Broadway may be down from 1,500 in the 1990s to around 500 today. Circulation’s down to 159,000 from 215,000 in 2005. And no one I know younger than me still gets the hard copy.

Richie Update: Someone tell Richie Farmer that judges don’t dismiss divorce petitions filed by wives who want out of a marriage, even if you scored a bunch of points for UK.  According to the Herald-Leader Farmer “said he disagrees with her statements that their marriage is irretrievably broken and cannot be reconciled.” That was in his response to his wife’s petition. The judge did not set a hearing date.

INFIELD!! Yes, I’ve been to the Derby Infield 9 times. So it was hard to describe it in 400 words for Hello Louisville.