Louisville, Ky., – For the 10th year in a row, Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell has printed the list of delinquent child support obligors in The Louisville Courier-Journal. This year’s list can be found in the Sunday, August 30th, edition, or The full list can be found online here.
In the 10 years of printing this list, both in the insert and on the website, the Child Support Division has collected $13.6 million, sent wage withholding orders to 9,432 employers and found 16,357 new addresses.
“Each year, the community has stepped up to help us track down those who are not fulfilling their obligations to their children,” said O’Connell. “Raising children is expensive and we want to make sure every child in Jefferson County is getting what is owed him or her.”
This year’s list – of 2,466 names – is made up of those parents who owe the largest debts to their children, with each of those listed owing $10,000 or more. The largest debt owed is more than $187,000.
Only 996 names appear in the printed insert, due to space constraints
“Our office works very hard to make sure child support is collected throughout Metro Louisville,” O’Connell said. “This insert is an effective tool that gets results. This past 10 years of publication is a great success for the children of our community.”
Anyone with information that could help locate someone on the list should call 574-0821.
2015 Child Support Delinquent Obligor Fact Sheet
Names on the list: | 2,466 |
Names on insert only: | 996 |
Total arrearage insert & website: | $72,928,105.57 |
2,300 males owe: | $69,477,928.87 |
Highest male arrearage: | $187,278.55 |
166 females owe: | $3,450,176.70 |
Highest female arrearage: | $64,934.43 |
Females make up 6.73% of the list this year |
Insert History
Nine previous annual inserts have collected $13.6 million
Last year’s insert alone collected $2,135,629.31
General Child Support Information
- 187 Child Support Employees
- 15 attorneys
- 8 detectives (the only office in the state to have detectives)
- $68 million collected last year (approx. 17% of state’s total child support collections)
- 56,343 open cases
- Only office in the state with a dedicated cash window, located at 315 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.